Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Finally, Spring.

It's been a long time coming, but the weather is finally starting to get nice for running. In my book, anytime you can comfortably wear shorts, it's a pretty good day. It was almost 40 degrees and sunny when I started today. It's around this temperature where I sort of have this ritual of starting off in long sleeves, then, at the end of the warm up, stripping down to short sleeves and arm warmers. After the first mile of running harder, I'm down to just arm warmers and shirtless. Some people may think it's weird to wear arm warmers and no shirt, but in this weather, once your core is generating a ton of heat, it's really only my arms that get cold. And when they do, it is distracting.

So, anyhow, it is a very freeing feeling running shirtless in the cool, early spring air. Definitely makes you run faster.

I'm staying focused on an overall goal of just getting faster and better. I'm not worrying about race goals or anything like that. Just, am I getting better overall? The workouts and races are just meant to serve that purpose. There will be good days, and bad days, but am I getting better?

Here is the data from today's run:

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